15 Healthy Vegan Ice Cream Recipe Ideas (2024)

Cool down with these 15 healthy vegan ice cream recipes that are plant based, whole-foods focused, gluten free, delicious, and perfect for a healthier treat when you are craving something cold and sweet!

15 Healthy Vegan Ice Cream Recipe Ideas (1)photo by Natts Eats

Droolworthy & Healthy Vegan Ice Cream Recipes

I honestly believe there can never be enough healthy vegan ice cream recipes out in the blogosphere. Never. There’s no such thing as “oversaturating” the recipe world with ice cream!

Whether it’s cold, creamy dark chocolate, tart and sweet peach, or chunky cookie-dough deliciousness, I’m down for any healthy ice cream flavour you throw my way. Also, I was pregnant at the time I wrote this recipe roundup post so…no explanation needed!

Last summer I put together a delicious homemade dairy free ice cream roundup and going with my motto that there can never be too many ice cream recipes to try, today I’m sharing 15 more healthy and totally vegan ice cream recipes!

Whether you can tolerate dairy and/or don’t follow a vegan or plant-based diet, are a strict vegan, or just like to dabble in plant-based eating, there will guaranteed be at least one healthy ice cream option in this list for you!

The Vegan Ice Cream Recipes List:

15 Healthy Vegan Ice Cream Recipe Ideas (2)

Creamy Vegan Mint Brownie Ice Cream from Minimalist Baker

It’s such a classic combination, mint and chocolate. This delicious recipe by Minimalist Baker is a must-make with easy raw brownie bits and a simple homemade vegan mint ice cream.

15 Healthy Vegan Ice Cream Recipe Ideas (3)

Vegan Caramel Ice Cream from Delight Fuel

This delicious and creamy cashew based vegan ice cream is swirled with a simple homemade 5-minute tahini date caramel for a mind-blowing combination.

15 Healthy Vegan Ice Cream Recipe Ideas (4)

Healthy Cookie Dough Blizzard Recipefrom NITK

While not a traditional ice cream recipe, this blizzard is one of my favourite simple and healthy cool ice-cream treats to enjoy in the summer with a quick banana based “nice cream” and easy vegan cookie dough chunks.

15 Healthy Vegan Ice Cream Recipe Ideas (5)

5-Ingredient Peanut Butter Cup Nice Cream from Pinch Of Yum

Five ingredients, easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy. There’s really no excuse not to try this delicious and simple recipe from the lovely Pinch Of Yum!

15 Healthy Vegan Ice Cream Recipe Ideas (6)

4-Ingredient Healthy Chocolate Ice Cream from The Loopy Whisk

It doesn’t get any easier than this tasty and dreamy dark chocolate ice cream with a simple and healthy chocolate sauce for drizzling.

15 Healthy Vegan Ice Cream Recipe Ideas (7)

Healthy Almond Pistachio Frozen Yogurtfrom NITK

This lovely green ice cream alternative, a vegan frozen yogurt, is super tasty and has a lovely flavour to it for a light and healthy cold snack or treat. While the recipe calls for honey you can swap the honey for agave or coconut nectar for a strict-vegan version.

15 Healthy Vegan Ice Cream Recipe Ideas (8)

Homemade Vegan Strawberry Ice Cream from Natt Eats

This lovely vegan ice cream recipe is rich and creamy with a combination of fresh strawberries and coconut milk. Perfect for when strawberries are fresh, in season, and amazingly sweet…nature’s candy.

15 Healthy Vegan Ice Cream Recipe Ideas (9)

Vegan Cookies & Cream Ice Cream from Healthy Happy Life

While this recipe isn’t the healthiest of all vegan ice creams, it is a healthier alternative to a typical store-bought dairy-filled cookies & cream ice cream ice cream you might find, and healthier alternatives are what this is all about.

15 Healthy Vegan Ice Cream Recipe Ideas (10)

Watermelon Mint Ice Cream from Feasting On Fruit

This magical combination of mint and watermelon along with coconut cream and maple syrup is an absolute must on those scorcher days in the summertime.

15 Healthy Vegan Ice Cream Recipe Ideas (11)

Creamy Peach & Walnut Ice Cream from The Awesome Green

While I don’t often think of combining peaches and walnuts, I’m totally intrigued by this lovely looking and sounding vegan ice cream from Ana of The Awesome Green who recommends grilling the peaches for this mouthwatering recipe.

15 Healthy Vegan Ice Cream Recipe Ideas (12)

Vegan Mint Chip Ice Cream from The Modern Proper

Another magical mint ice cream recipe from The Modern Proper, this one combines raw cashews with coconut cream, cane sugar, and chopped dark chocolate.

15 Healthy Vegan Ice Cream Recipe Ideas (13)

Lemon Nice Cream from Krolls Korner

Lemon isn’t a super common flavour of ice cream but should not be overlooked. Not only is it refreshing and perfectly sweet, there’s the added benefit of antioxidants and vitamin C!

15 Healthy Vegan Ice Cream Recipe Ideas (14)

Dreamy Vegan Chocolate Almond Sundae from Dolly & Oatmeal

Dreamy is right, this recipe is as dreamy as it gets with a rich dark chocolate homemade vegan ice cream topped with fresh raspberries, almonds, and a simple homemade chocolate sauce.

15 Healthy Vegan Ice Cream Recipe Ideas (15)

Vegan Strawberry Peach Sorbet from Peanut Butter Plus Chocolate

When you are feeling like a change from the rich chocolate and vanilla ice cream flavours, give this light and sweet peach and strawberry combo a try with a fun add-in of gluten free graham cracker bits for extra crunch

15 Healthy Vegan Ice Cream Recipe Ideas (16)

Easy 3-Ingredient Pumpkin Pie Ice Creamfrom NITK

While you might not be thinking of pumpkin during the summer months, this simple 3-ingredient pumpkin ice cream (made with store-bought vegan vanilla ice cream) is incredibly easy and worth keeping on your must-make list for the fall!

Back in my nutritional consulting days it was very common to hear my clients complain about how dairy products (ice cream, cheese, milk, etc.) left them feeling gross and bloated with a range of other unmentionable symptoms. I was always happy to point them in the direction of healthy dairy-free or vegan alternatives they could try instead.

If you are like one of those clients and need to pass over the ice cream often, these 15 delicious recipes are an answer to your ice cream woes! Or maybe you are just aiming to eat healthier, these recipes are the answer too! I’d love to know which one peaked your interest. Tell me about it in the comments and be sure to pin the photo below to save this roundup for later!

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15 Healthy Vegan Ice Cream Recipe Ideas (2024)


What do vegans eat for ice cream? ›

Commercially-produced vegan ice creams are made from soy, almond, cashew, coconut, or rice milk. These products deliver all of the delicious flavor and creaminess of ice cream without harming a single cow.

What replaces milk in vegan ice cream? ›

Kaminsky says that you'll get the best results from dairy-free counterparts that are higher in fat such as canned coconut milk. She typically uses almond milk as her base, but other non-dairy milks can work (steer clear of rice milk because it tends to be too watery).

What is the secret to good ice cream? ›

"The biggest key for good ice cream is keeping everything very cold," says Plyter, which is why as soon as his ice cream comes out of the machine, it goes straight into a chest freezer that maintains subzero temperatures.

How to thicken vegan ice cream? ›

Plant-based fats are the best way to thicken vegan ice cream. Coconut cream, full-fat coconut milk and coconut oil will give the creamiest and thickest results. Cornstarch and tapioca starch can also be used to thicken but the end result will be a little more icy and a little less creamy.

How to make ice cream in 5 minutes? ›

Warning: Donʼt touch rock salt with your bare hands!
  1. Prepare. Pour the cream, sugar and vanilla into the small bag and zip it up tightly. Fill the large bag with ice. and pour in the salt. ...
  2. Shake. Shake the large bag for 5 minutes. It will be cold, so wrap a towel around it or wear some oven mitts!
  3. Enjoy!

How to make ice cream in 10 minutes? ›

Step 1In a small resealable plastic bag, combine half-and-half, sugar, and vanilla. Push out excess air and seal. Step 2Into a large resealable plastic bag, combine ice and salt. Place small bag inside the bigger bag and shake vigorously, 7 to 10 minutes, until ice cream has hardened.

Is sherbet vegan friendly? ›

Sherbet is primarily fruit-based but contains either milk or buttermilk, which gives it a creamier, smoother texture than sorbet. The verdict: sherbet contains dairy and is therefore not dairy-free or vegan.

What can I use instead of heavy cream for ice cream vegan? ›

Vegan heavy cream is ridiculously easy to make. Simply soak your cashews in boiling hot water for about 5 minutes. Drain the cashews and add them to a high powered blender (I love my Vitamix) along with fresh water. To make the vegan cream even richer, substitute 1 can of full fat coconut milk + 1/2 cup of water.

What is the best vegan alternative to milk? ›

Vegan Diet: Non-dairy milk alternatives
  1. Almond milk. Almond milk contains higher unsaturated fats and less saturated fat when compared to cow's milk. ...
  2. Soy milk. ...
  3. Coconut milk. ...
  4. Oat milk. ...
  5. Hemp milk. ...
  6. Cashew milk.
Nov 3, 2022

What are the 3 most important ingredients of ice cream? ›

If you have ever made ice cream, you already know what goes into it, ingredients such as milk, cream, and sugar. But there is one main ingredient that you may not have thought about, probably because you can't see it—air.

What is the number 1 rated ice cream flavor? ›

1. Vanilla. Above all types of ice cream flavors, vanilla is America's favorite for a reason: it's simple and it goes with everything.

Can vegans eat dairy Queen ice cream? ›

Vegan Treats

The vast majority of Dairy Queens's Classic Treats as well as their Moolattes, cones, cakes, cupcakes, and smoothies cannot be made vegan, but here are the few treats vegans can enjoy, too. Non-Dairy Dilly Bar (Available in single-serve and multipacks of six.)

Can vegans eat vanilla ice cream? ›

Our Favorite Vegan Vanilla Ice Cream

Oatly uses a combination of oat milk and coconut oil to make a pint of vegan vanilla ice cream that could be mistaken for the traditional ice cream. Oatly leaned a little towards the sweeter side of pints we tasted, thanks to the glucose that gives it a nice scoopable texture.

Are McDonald's ice cream vegan? ›

"Vanilla Reduced Fat Ice Cream Ingredients: Milk, Sugar, Cream, Corn Syrup, Natural Flavor, Mono And Diglycerides, Cellulose Gum, Guar Gum, Carrageenan, Vitamin A Palmitate." -- https://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en-us/product/vanilla-cone.html... It does contain dairy, but they can't legally call it ice cream.

What kind of ice cream has no dairy? ›

Oatly. The oat base in Oatly allows for a creamy, dairy-like texture. A very close second to Jeni's, Oatly ice cream is satisfyingly creamy, has a decadent flavor, and won over most of the Reviewed staff during testing.


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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.