Campfire Macaroni and Cheese Recipe (2024)

Make this macaroni and cheese up ahead of time and finish it on the campfire. Easy, creamy, and oh so cheesey! Perfect campfire food!


Try my Campfire Orange Cinnamon Rolls. Premade Cinnamon rolls cooked up in orange peels on the fire. Easy, fun, and delicious!

Campfire Macaroni and Cheese Recipe (1)

Are you a camping person? I’m not. Not really. But if you live in Minnesota and are from the Midwest it’s a bit of a prerequisite to be an outdoorsy kind of person.

Don’t get me wrong, I can do the camp thing as good as the next person. When I camp, however, it’s with my Chemex, and down blanket, and real food. Like this campfire macaroni and cheese. This campfire macaroni and cheese is one of the recipes I make every. single. time we go camping. Every time. It’s a family favorite.

Campfire Macaroni and Cheese Recipe (2)

It’s easy to prep this macaroni and cheese recipe ahead of the camping trip and, because it’s cooked on the campfire, it will still have all the great flavor and fun of a true campfire meal. Without having to be a hotdog.

During the summer months, I always keep a stock of the disposable aluminum pans because they are brilliant for campfire cooking! For campfire macaroni and cheese I will sometimes make one big ol’ batch OR sometimes make mini ones that are personalized for each person. It completely depends on my mood and stock of pans.

Campfire Macaroni and Cheese Recipe (3)

Smaller pans take a shorter amount of time to cook and can be fun for family members to personalize. Use a Sharpie to write their names on!

Campfire Macaroni and Cheese Recipe (4)

Combine your cooled, cooked macaroni with the cheeses, cream, and butter. Top with a whole lot of parmesan cheese love and then…

Butter crackers make macaroni and cheese better! Especially after they get toasty and golden from sitting on the fire.

Kids love using potato chips as the crumble on their macaroni and cheese. Let them use a strange flavor like Dill Pickle or Barbecue for added fun!

Let me tell you about the best part of making campfire macaroni and cheese. Okay, let’s skip the telling and get right to the showing…

Campfire Macaroni and Cheese Recipe (5)

Campfire macaroni and cheese can be a pre-made meal perfect for camping meals! You can close that pan up and pop it into the fridge until it’s time – acouple of days is fine. Pack it up, and take it with you. Then put it on your campfire to get melty and delicious. Campfire food is the best. Everything tastes better after being made outside.

Campfire Macaroni and Cheese Recipe (6)

Campfire Macaroni and Cheese cooking tips:

  • Don’t cook this on a super hot flaming fire or you will have burned macaroni. yuck!
  • Put it on the fire when the flames just died down and you have good coals. For about 15 minutes.
  • The goal is simply to make it hot and melty. Everything is already cooked.
Campfire Macaroni and Cheese Recipe (7)

Score! Campfire recipes that aren’t from a tube or comes in a tube! That’s my kind of campfire meal.

Go ahead and experiment with different kinds of cheeses, pasta, toppings, and fresh herbs. This recipe is wonderfully adaptable to your family’s favorite type of mac & cheese.

Campfire Macaroni and Cheese Recipe (8)

Campfire Macaroni and Cheese Recipe (9)

Campfire Macaroni and Cheese

| 4 people

Prep Time | 20 minutes mins

Cook Time | 15 minutes mins

Total Time | 35 minutes mins

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A creamy, cheesy macaroni and cheese that is easily started and home and finished on the campfire. Perfect for easy campfire cooking!


  • 7 oz pkg elbow macaroni
  • 1 cup grated sharp cheddar cheese
  • 1 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1/2 cup gouda or similar soft cheese
  • 1/3 cup cream
  • 3 Tablespoons cold butter cubed
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Check out our Kitchen Reference Guide for help with unfamiliar terms.


  • Cook pasta according to package directions. Drain and rinse with cold water. Let cool.

  • Stir your cream into your pasta.

  • Add the cheese and butter cubes.

  • Stir in salt and pepper to taste.

  • Spray your foil pans with nonstick cooking spray.

  • Pour your prepared pasta into the pans (or single large pan, if using)

  • Cover with aluminum foil (sprayed with cooking spray) or another foil pan (also sprayed) and seal well.

  • Store in the fridge or cooler until ready to cook.

  • Cook above hot coals (about 3 inches above) for 10-12 minutes or until hot and bubbly.



I bake these in the oven, sometimes, at 350 degrees for about 25 minutes depending on the size of the pan.
If your macaroni and cheese isn’t a bit on the wet side it won’t store well. Be sure that it has plenty of wetness to help it stay moist and non-clumpy.

NOTE: There have been several questions about mixing the cream, butter, and cheese into the warm noodles and THEN cooling. Go ahead. That should make the time it takes on the fire shorter.

I usually don’t do that because I have found my family likes to mix up their own personalized versions of these. So setting up the pasta, cheese, and cream for them to mix while cold is the easiest way to personalize these.


Calories: 655kcalCarbohydrates: 40gProtein: 31gFat: 41gSaturated Fat: 26gCholesterol: 135mgSodium: 885mgPotassium: 220mgFiber: 2gSugar: 2gVitamin A: 1220IUCalcium: 714mgIron: 1mg

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Campfire Macaroni and Cheese Recipe (10)

A few other recipes I use when camping are…

Easy Lemon Poppyseed Scones (make these up ahead and breakfast is done!)

3 Ingredient Cookies (I have the kids whip up a batch of these and throw them in a zip lock)

Grilled Grilled Cheese (I know, it seems too easy!)

2 Ingredient French Toast (This is so easy to whip up and then cook on a cast iron skillet. So good!)

Do you have any easy camping recipes you can share and use repeatedly?
Share the love and either leave link or recipe in the comments below.
Thank you!

Campfire Macaroni and Cheese Recipe (2024)


What can I add to mac and cheese to make it better? ›

8 Ways to Elevate Your Macaroni and Cheese Dinners
  1. Add extra cheese to your dish.
  2. Mix in some hot sauce and chicken to make buffalo chicken mac n' cheese.
  3. Add in vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower and spinach.
  4. Sprinkle some bacon bits or breadcrumbs on the top of your dish.
  5. Add spices and fresh herbs to your dish.
May 21, 2022

How does Gordon Ramsay make the best mac and cheese? ›

  1. In a large pot over medium heat, combine the pasta and milk. ...
  2. Once the pasta is cooked, remove the pan from the heat and add the butter, cheddar cheese, salt, and pepper. ...
  3. Divide between serving bowls and top with the bread crumbs.
  4. Enjoy!
  5. All your favorite recipes, stored in one place.
May 4, 2023

Can I use yogurt instead of milk for mac and cheese? ›

Finally, using a plain yogurt is one of the best options for replacing milk in kraft mac and cheese! A plain whole milk yogurt or a greek yogurt would work well. Mix it in the same way you'd mix in sour cream, until it is well incorporated. This may have a slightly tangier flavor, but that is a personal preference.

How can I keep my mac and cheese creamy? ›

Add more milk if you haven't already. More milk leads to less dry mac and cheese. If that doesn't work and you've already tried, use a different type of cheese. Velveeta works well.

How do you make bad mac and cheese taste better? ›

20 Easy Ways To Make Boxed Mac And Cheese Even Better
  1. Add Cream Cheese.
  2. Replace The Milk.
  3. Upgrade The Cheese.
  4. Give It A Cheffy Twist.
  5. Turn It Into A Main Dish With Meat.
  6. Mix In New Flavors To Create Magic.
Feb 9, 2024

What are the 3 best cheeses for mac and cheese? ›

Cheddar, Gruyère, Monterey Jack, mozzarella, Fontina, and Gouda cheese are good options.

What is the most perfect cheese to use on Mac & cheese? ›

For a mac and cheese recipe, consider the combination of sharper cheddar cheeses and a flavorful Parmesan. This cheese adds a boost of fruity, nutty notes to your favorite macaroni recipes. Parmesan is also ideal for grating on top of mac and cheese before you bake it to add golden color.

What are the best 5 cheeses for mac and cheese? ›

Gruyere is a classic addition because it melts much like Cheddar, but has a lovely nutty flavor. Other classics include Gouda, Muenster, Parmesan, fontina, Havarti and Monterey Jack. Brie works well too, just make sure you remove the rind before mixing it in.

Is milk or evaporated milk better for mac and cheese? ›

It will be richer and creamier. It's actually a very good substitute for regular milk. I've often used evaporated milk in mac&cheese which makes it better than milk. Both heavy cream and evaporated milk are much better in mashed potatoes, too!

Is regular milk or evaporated milk better for mac and cheese? ›

Note 1: Milk: The evaporated milk lends a really nice flavor and creaminess, it's the "secret" to this mac and cheese! It also thickens faster since it's not straight from the fridge and cold. If you'd prefer to not use evaporated milk, whole milk or 2% works (whole is best).

Can I use sour cream instead of milk? ›

In fact, you can substitute sour cream for milk almost anytime the recipe calls for less than a cup of milk. One of the most common ingredients to use milk with is potatoes. Spuds love dairy, so if a recipe calls for milk, sour cream almost always works in its place.

How to make mac and cheese Gordon Ramsay? ›

Gordon Ramsay's mac and cheese is a simplified recipe. Just boil pasta in milk and then, add butter, cheese, salt, and pepper to it. Merge all the elements and Gordon Ramsay's mac and cheese will be ready in no time.

Can you use sour cream instead of milk for mac and cheese? ›

It actually works very well! This is the best substitute because the cream cheese serves as a binder and thickening agent, the sour cream lightens the mixture and adds tanginess, and the pasta water (you could also use chicken broth) thins it out into a creamy consistency while adding binding power.

Why do people put sour cream in mac and cheese? ›

Sour cream is the perfect ingredient to substitute for milk when making mac and cheese, giving it a rich and creamy flavor without sacrificing texture. It's easy to add in, and you can adjust it to your liking — add extra sour cream for more creaminess, and counter with extra cheese for more cheesiness.

How do you make mac and cheese not boring? ›

Top it with breadcrumbs

You can add extra cheese and breadcrumbs and finish the thing in the oven for something you might actually bring to a potluck, but even a quick saute or spin in the toaster oven, of panko bread crumbs and olive oil tips boxed mac and cheese into a meal worth actually setting the table for.

How do you increase the flavor of cheese in mac and cheese? ›

Boil it better

Skip the draining step, and add more milk as the noodles cook, if needed. Once al dente, stir in an extra 1 cup of shredded cheese and voila: less powdered cheese flavor, more homemade vibes and a hint of cheesy goodness infused right into the macaroni itself.

How do you kick up Kraft mac and cheese? ›

Spice it up

Ree loves to boost the flavor of her homemade macaroni and cheese with dried mustard, cayenne pepper, paprika, and thyme, and you can do the same with boxed mac and cheese. Just add one or more of the spices to the pot along with the powdered cheese, milk, and butter, whisking to combine.

How do you doctor up frozen mac and cheese? ›

To take your frozen mac and cheese up a notch, you can add some delicious toppings. Consider sprinkling breadcrumbs, grated cheese, or even crumbled bacon on top. These additional toppings will not only enhance the flavor but also add a delightful texture to your baked mac and cheese.


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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.