Cheerleading Slogans, Quotes, and Inspiring Sayings (2024)

Cheerleading slogans for coaches, cheerleaders, parents, and fans. Select from the best sayings and slogans for shirts, banners, posters, t-shirts, jerseys, signs, warm-ups, locker room, and more.

Mike O’Halloran, author of the book Best Sports Slogans and Captions, shares his favorite cheerleading slogans.

Rally your cheerleading team, inspire your fans, and liven up the crowd! Plus, there are some fun cheer quotes to get your team energized. Gimme an “E,” an “N,” a “J,” an “O,” and a “Y” – ENJOY!

Table Of Contents

  1. Best Cheerleading Slogans
  2. Good Cheer Slogans
  3. Fun Cheerleading Sayings
  4. Cheerleader Phrases
  5. Cheerleader Quotes
  6. Quotes from Monica Aldama – Cheer Documentary

Best Cheerleading Slogans

1.) There is no halftime for cheerleaders.

2.) I cheer on two occasions: Day and Night.

3.) Hands on your hips, a smile on your lips, a spirit in your heart; we’re ready to start!

4.) We can’t hide our pride.

5.) Fly high, do or die, dare to dream, cheer extreme!

6.) It’s hard to be humble when you can jump, stunt, and tumble.

7.) Cheerleading is more than a sport. It’s an attitude!

Cheerleading Slogans, Quotes, and Inspiring Sayings (1)

Good Cheer Slogans

Here are some more good cheerleading slogans for you squad.

8.) Any man can hold a girl’s hand, but only the Elite can hold her feet.

9.) Eat, Sleep, Cheer, and Repeat.

10.) Cheerleaders ROCK cause we know how to ROLL.

11.) I trade sweat for strength and trade doubt for belief. I trade cheerleading for nothing.

12.) Loud and Proud.

13.) Go, Fight, Win!

14.) Cheerleaders: Front-row seats to every game!

15.) When life begins to shed a tear, perk up and say a cheer.

16.) Go BIG or Go Home.

17.) If you fall, remember this squad will always be there to catch you.

18.) What you see is what you get, and you ain’t seen nothin’ yet!

19.) If it’s in your heart, it shows in your spirit.

20.) One of our favorite slogans: Cheerleading: Not all the pyramids were built in Egypt.

21.) Flying is the second-best thrill to cheerleaders; being caught in the first.

See Is Cheerleading a Sport?

Fun Cheerleading Sayings

22.) You know you’re a cheerleader when you have to kick, yell, and scream to get what you want.

23.) There are two types of people in this world, cheerleaders and those who wish they were.

24.) Cheer Attitude – You mess with me. You mess with the whole squad.

25.) If you’ve got the game, we’ve got the cheer!

26.) 2-4-6-8…Who do we appreciate? You!

27.) A good cheerleader is not measured by the height of her jumps but by the span of her spirit.

Cheerleading Slogans, Quotes, and Inspiring Sayings (2)

Cheer Mottos

28.) When in doubt, cheer your heart out

29.) Work as a squad, cheer as a squad, be safe as a squad, and you’ll always be caught if you fall.

30.) Cheerleaders are simply a jump above the rest.

31.) Have no Doubt. Shout it out!

32.) Boys lift weights, but Men lift cheerleaders.

Competitive cheerleading is a sport that requires a lot of dedication and practice. Cheer stunts and certain skills can be dangerous. Always practice with spotters.

Cheerleader Phrases

33.) You know you’re a cheerleader when you have to yell, kick, and scream to get what you want.

34.) I’m loud, proud, and can cheer the crowd. (a favorite of cheer coaches.)

35.) Athletes lift weights – Cheerleaders lift athletes.

Fun Cheer Sayings

36.) Cheerleaders yell, and cheerleaders scream, but how we differ is we’re not mean.

37.) Without Cheerleading, it’s just a game.

38.) Together we stand, and together we fall. All for one and one for all!

39.) Our team has spirit. Our team has heart. Together we’re solid, so we’ll never part.

40.) Fly high to the sky and cheer loud to the crowd.

41.) Most sports throw balls. We throw people.

42.) Athletes by nature, cheerleaders by choice.

43.) Cheerleading — not just flirts in skirts.

Inspirational Cheerleading Slogans

44.) When we shout, when we scream, you’ll wish you were on our team.

45.) Athletic by nature but cheerleader by choice.

46.) Cheerleaders are angels — we’re the only humans that can fly

47.) 1 2 3 4 — Who’s the one that you adore? 5 6 7 8 — who do you appreciate?

48.) Teamwork makes the dream work.

49.) Keep your head high and your bow higher.

Cheerleader Quotes

50.) The unselfish effort to bring cheer to others will be the beginning of a happier life for ourselves.
Hellen Keller

51.) Often, we can help each other most by leaving each other alone; at other times, we need the hand grasp and the word of cheer.
Elbert Hubbard

52.) Don’t give up when dark times come. The more storms you face in life, the stronger you’ll be. Hold on. Your greater is coming.
Germany Kent

53.) If you are still breathing, maybe it is not such a bad day after all.
Darren E. Laws

54.) God will not give you a burden you can’t handle. So, if you find yourself in a mess that’s impossible to resolve, take the challenge as a compliment.

55.) Let us be of good cheer, however, remembering that the misfortunes hardest to bear are those which never come.
James Russell Lowell

56.) It’s so much fun! Girls just think that it is all about popularity, but it’s not. You have to work really hard if you want to be good at cheerleading. It’s just like any other sport!

Short Cheer-Up Quotes

57.) It’s just a bad day, not a bad life.

58.) Sweat dries, blood clots, and bones heal. Suck it up, princess.
Adam Cassidy

59.) You’ll never find a rainbow if you’re looking down.
Charlie Chaplin

60.) I’ve never met a strong person with an easy past.

61.) Today is where your book begins; the rest is still unwritten.
Natasha Bedingfield

Motivational Cheer-Up Quotes

62.) Tough times never last, but tough people do.
Robert Schuller

63.) I like when people compliment me and tell me I’m doing good at what I’m doing.
Maddy Brum

64.) Life is too short for us to dwell on the sadness. Cheer up and live life to the fullest.
Dexter Monterde

65.) Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tiptoe if you must, but take the step.

66.) Every day is a new day, a fresh morning for a new start. Start it with a cheerful smile on your face and hope in your heart.

67.) After every storm, the sun will smile; for every problem, there is a solution, and the soul’s indefeasible duty is to be of good cheer.
William R. Alger

Quotes from Monica Aldama – Cheer Documentary

68.) I didn’t inherit some great program. It was a lot of blood, sweat, and tears.

69.) You keep going until you get it right. And then you keep going until you can’t get it wrong.

70.) Who knows what it takes to actually ‘make it’? I’m still working on it and am definitely proud of the positive stepping stones I’ve hit along the way.

71.) Every place that you can find to meet, talk to them, do it.

By MJ O’Halloran

MJ is a writer based in St. Paul, Minnesota.


You are on our Best Cheerleading Slogans page.

Learn more about the history of cheerleading at Wikipedia.

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Cheerleading Slogans, Quotes, and Inspiring Sayings (2024)


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Five Ups of life: Buckle up, Start up, Keep it up, Don't give up, Cheer up. Don't worry, it's bad for your health. Every positive attempt was as a result of encouragement, every encouragement leads to success. Cheer up, cheer up.

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Hands on your hips, a smile on your lips, spirit in your heart, we're ready to start!” “Together we stand, together we fall. All for one and one for all!” “Fly high, do or die, dare to dream, cheer extreme.” “A cheerleader is a dreamer that never gives up.”

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"Be your own cheerleader. Take note of your own progress, your perseverance, and your inner strength. Be affirming and kind to yourself. Believe in yourself." ⠀…

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Cheer Quotes to Lift Your Spirits: The Top 20 Inspirational Sayings to Keep You Motivated
  • “Cheerleading is not just about stunts and pom-poms; it's about spreading joy and inspiring others.” ...
  • “In the game of life, cheer for success, resilience, and the potential in every person you meet.”
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50 motivational quotes
  • "It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." — ...
  • "Your self-worth is determined by you. ...
  • "Nothing is impossible. ...
  • "Keep your face always toward the sunshine, and shadows will fall behind you." — ...
  • “You have brains in your head. ...
  • "Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." —
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Key features of slogans

A good slogan should be less than five words, maximum eight. Obviously, there's flexibility based on your industry or business, but a succinct slogan will stick in your audience's mind. Meaningful: Slogans serve to reinforce and emphasize your brand identity.

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Yes, I consider cheerleading a sport because a sport is all about competition. They're all scored and won differently. Cheerleading has competitions and they score and win just like any other sport."

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Numbered List of 20 Catchy Sports Slogan Ideas
  • "Game On. Own the Throne."
  • "Fuel. Sweat. Conquer."
  • "Chase the Dream, Seize the Win"
  • "Unleash Your Beast Mode"
  • "Raise the Bar, Shine Like a Star"
  • "Can't Stop, Won't Stop"
  • "Born to Play, Born to Win"
  • "Defy. Dominate. Delight."

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Give Compliments and Positive Phrases: This is probably the most influential motivator and can mean the most to your cheerleaders. Try to use these as much as possible; you can just tell her or write them in a note. Here are some examples: · You did a great job today!

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cheerleading, team activity in which elements of dance and acrobatics are combined with shouted slogans in order to entertain spectators at sporting events and to encourage louder and more enthusiastic cheering.

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So, when should we be cheerleaders as leaders? It's when we've already set a clear path, clearly communicated expectations, and the team is aligned on the desired outcomes. In this environment, your cheerleading boosts morale, increases confidence, and serves as a catalyst for even greater effort.

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Success and failure quotes
  • “Success is not a good teacher, failure makes you humble.” – Shah Rukh Khan.
  • “Most people give up just when they're about to achieve success. ...
  • “Failure is success if we learn from it.” – Malcolm Forbes.
  • “A minute's success pays the failure of years.” – Robert Browning.
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cheerleader (noun as in one who supports and praises) Strong matches. champion defender exponent promoter supporter.

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Long slogans

The way we work together determines the way we succeed. Teamwork makes what's impossible to do alone possible. Alone we might be small, but together we can stand some giant's tall. Talent may get lucky, but teamwork is built to win.

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cheerleading is formed within English, by compounding.


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