Homemade Corned Beef and Cabbage {Crock Pot Recipe} (2024)

By Karrie on | Updated | 90 Comments

This Crock Pot Corned Beef and Cabbage recipe is the BEST St. Patrick’s Day meal. Simply add the juicy corned beef, carrots, onion and potatoes to your crock pot. Let it slowly cook all day until your corned beef is tender, and the flavors come together. Simple, easy and oh -so delicious.

If you own a pressure cooker you’ll also want to check out my Instant Pot Corned Beef and Cabbage recipe which cooks up perfectly in less than 2 hours!

Homemade Corned Beef and Cabbage {Crock Pot Recipe} (1)

Hello lads and lassies! You ready to get your Irish on?

Although some would argue that Crock Pot Corned Beef and Cabbage isn’t traditional Irish food, for our family it’s about as close as we get.

Every year we have a fun St. Patrick’s Day dinner. We make corned beef and cabbage, Irish brown bread, and drink root beer floats. Then for dessert, we dig into some yummy creme de menthe brownies. The kids really enjoy when we celebrate the holidays. This is a great way to do that.

I have to say, I didn’t start making corned beef and cabbage until about 6 years ago. I really did not want to do it. It just didn’t sound like something I would enjoy. I do like cabbage, but I pictured the meat tasting all funky like. I decided I would be brave and make some, and decided to invite a few friends over who also had never had it. Every one of them loved it! They were all pleasantly surprised, just as I was. The meat was so tender, and the flavor was really good! If you happen to be one of “us” who are afraid of trying new foods, I promise this meal won’t disappoint. Go for it!


Corned beef is made from beef brisket. The meat goes through a long curing process using large grains of rock salt and then it is brined. Next, it is slowly cooked where it takes a tough cut of beef into one that is super tender and flavorful!


Yes, you can! You can cook raw or cooked corned beef. Just place it in a gallon-size zippered bag and seal it, removing as much air as possible and freeze. Raw corned beef is best used within one month as it will start to have flavor loss. Cooked corned beef can be frozen for up to 2-3 months.

To thaw & cook the raw corned beef: Let it thaw completely in the fridge for 12 to 24 hours and cook in your crock pot as directed below.


To make this Crock Pot Corned Beef and Cabbage recipe just start by rinsing off and preparing your onion, carrots, and potatoes. Peel and cut carrots into thirds and cut onions into fourths. Peel and cut up potatoes if you’re using russets, or just rinse if you’re using baby reds or a medley variety.

Homemade Corned Beef and Cabbage {Crock Pot Recipe} (2)
Homemade Corned Beef and Cabbage {Crock Pot Recipe} (3)

Place onions and carrots on the bottom of a large crock pot. Next remove roast from packing, making sure to remove any seasoning packet that may be inside. Place roast along with juices from package inside the crock pot on top of the onions and carrots. Season with the seasoning packet that it came with if you choose. Add two cups of water. Place potatoes all around the roast. Cover and cook on high for 8 hours.

By the way, I love my crock pot. If you’re in the market for a new one, this is the one.

Homemade Corned Beef and Cabbage {Crock Pot Recipe} (4)

After that has cooked for 8 hours or so, take your head of cabbage and rinse it well. Cut the head into fourths.

Homemade Corned Beef and Cabbage {Crock Pot Recipe} (5)

Open crock pot and place the pieces of cabbage right on top. Cook another 2 hours on high to steam the cabbage to perfection.

Homemade Corned Beef and Cabbage {Crock Pot Recipe} (6)
Homemade Corned Beef and Cabbage {Crock Pot Recipe} (7)

Remove meat and veggies from the crock potand add to a platter. Enjoy!

Homemade Corned Beef and Cabbage {Crock Pot Recipe} (8)

Below is the printable version of the recipe for your convenience.

Homemade Corned Beef and Cabbage {Crock Pot Recipe} (9)

Recipe Card

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Crock Pot Corned Beef and Cabbage

Published By Karrie

Course Main

Cuisine American, Irish

Keyword corned beef and cabbage, Crock Pot, irish, slow cooker

Servings 12 Slices

Prep Time 20 minutes mins

Cook Time 10 hours hrs

Total Time 10 hours hrs 20 minutes mins

This Crock Pot Corned Beef and Cabbage recipe is so tender, and the flavor is really good. Your Saint Patrick’s Day meal has never been easier!


  • 2.5 lb corned beef roast
  • 2 small yellow onions
  • 10 medium carrots
  • 10 baby medley variety potatoes
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 head of cabbage


  • Rinse and prepare your onion, carrots and potatoes. Peel and cut carrots in thirds and cut onions in fourths. Peel and cut up potatoes if you’re using russets, or just rinse if you’re using baby reds or a medley variety. Set aside.

  • Place onions and carrots on the bottom of a large crock pot. Next remove roast from packing, making sure to remove any seasoning packet that may be inside. Place roast along with juices from package inside the crock pot on top of the onions and carrots. Season with the seasoning packet that it came with if you choose. Add two cups of water. Place potatoes all around the roast. Cover and cook on high for 8 hours.

  • Take your head of cabbage and rinse. Cut the head into fourths. Open crock pot and place the pieces of cabbage right on top. Cook another 2 hours on high. Remove meat and veggies from crock pot and add to a platter. Enjoy!


Serving: 1Slice | Calories: 282kcal | Carbohydrates: 22g | Protein: 16g | Fat: 14g | Saturated Fat: 4g | Cholesterol: 51mg | Sodium: 1205mg | Potassium: 861mg | Fiber: 5g | Sugar: 6g | Vitamin A: 8565IU | Vitamin C: 69.9mg | Calcium: 67mg | Iron: 2.6mg

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Make sure to follow on Instagram @happymoneysaver and on Pinterest @happymoneysaver for more money savin’ recipes!

More St. Paddy’s Day Recipes

  • Instant Pot Corned Beef and Cabbage
  • Homemade Corned Beef Hash
  • Creme De Menthe Brownies
  • Irish Brown Bread Recipe
  • Make Ahead Green Smoothies

Homemade Corned Beef and Cabbage {Crock Pot Recipe} (10)

About Karrie

Food is my love language. But so is saving money. So I like to combine the two a lot and make thrifty make ahead and freeze meals to save time. Because life is busy, and freezer meals can come to the rescue for all of us. And yes, they actually CAN taste good. Read more...

Homemade Corned Beef and Cabbage {Crock Pot Recipe} (2024)


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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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