Messenger-Inquirer from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)

4 Owtnsbora, Ky Mewnyr Inquirer Aug. 10. 1960 Record Rainfall Hits New York Cily, Snarls Caslro To Transfer Navy Personnel I 4 tr 1 Menial Health Group To Back Proposal For Children ATLANTA (AP)- The Southern Regional Council of Mental Health Training and Research moved Friday to support proposed programs for care and treatment of emotionally disturbed children in Kentucky and Tennessee. Members said the programs still are in the planning stage but they might guide the South in development of a regional program. Dr.

William P. Hurder, associate director of mental health, said the council would render physical, informational and administrative service to the project. "In the future," he said of the projected southwide development, "there would be specialization on a regional basis so that one state would have a facility for mildly i Hi I I -J i I 1 -0 i him ijfci i 'OTtimiiiiii FARMERS ELEVATORS, im- farmers of the area is provided by this portanf link between Owensboro and the firm, at 1440 W. 7th St. It has 31 employes.

ciude drivers of the trucks which bring the coal to the barge-loading ramp The trucks are leased from the Vanover Trucking Co. DEMONSTRATIONS HELD GREEN COAl CO. This company uses th Owensboro waterfront to load coal from its strip mine ot Panther onto river barges for shipment up the Ohio River. It employs 85 persons. This total does not in- Huddleston Says HAVANA (AP)-A large part ot Cuba's 5.000-man navy will be transierred to Prime Minister Fidel Castro's Institute of Agrarian Reform, unofficial reports circulating here said Friday.

Naval sources disclosed that most of the officers and enlisted men involved in a roundup at Casa Blanca base, raided this eek in the rupture of an anti-government plot, have been sent home. The sailors were instructed to; report back Monday for reassignment Informants could not say how many were arrested in the takeover of the naval installation by the army and police, led by Fidel and his brother Raul Castro, The government officially refuses any information on Cuban naval developments. Casa Blanca is reported to be still in the hands of select army troops and armed militia, although some navy personnel has been seen there. Powers Distressed Ai Lawyer's Aflack On U.S. MOSCOW (AP)-Frands Gary Powers was quoted Friday as saying he was distressed about the attacks on America in his Soviet defense attorney's speech at bis trial for espionage.

"After all, I am an American," his family lawyer, Frank Rogers, quoted the young flier as telling his family at their reunion after; he was sentenced to 10 years fori spying on the Soviet Union. ius ki uy 10 neip mm oy putting else. 0 Court News Applications To Wed William Neil Padgett 22, of Marion, S. and Sarah Ams Morrison, 20, of 1510 Miller Owensboro, James Leachman, "over 21" of 601 Plum SL, and Vina Mae Bushrod, "over of 901 Breck-enridge SL Rogers said Powers told his wue, mother, father and sister that he realized the defense actor-! 1 MARACAIBO, Venezuela (AP) Flomnnctratripe cVimitina "PiiKa yes Yankees no, burned an broke up the demonstration, the second this week, and arrested 15 persons. Evansville Father Pleads For Probe Info House Fire EVANSVILLE, Ind.

(AP) 'Quick-Thinking Police Officer Averts Tragedy KNOXVILLE. Tenn. (AP) Soviet Envoy To Cuba Figured In Spy Trial huge tractor-trailer truck raced and clinicians high speed through six miles of. By BEN F. MEYER father who lost six children in a 'attorney who challenged the state house fire March 4 pleaded with: bonus law claimed Friday a Court county officials and manufactur-jof Appeals ruling "doesn't begin to ers' representatives Thursday to clear the way for payment of the WE SALUTE OWENSBORO'S WASHINGTON (AP)-The man.the spy ring there.

work-going traffic Friday, but AmniltateS A J. in the infamous espionage case ofin Havana certainly could fit PS1' lfeeuy' Pari nf fin' Ipfl the Soviet Embassy in Canada in the pattern of events already! make a complete examination of evidence and help prevent a similar tragedy from reoccuring. Jack Dietsch, who began his own full-scale investigation after tu. ilUJUWII vy UJC tLiUC IKUllx: MCVU Moscow ambassador, v.j litre My uus uuulti nu Buuu for the States and other and ex- aneaa wiui siren waning 10 wu uiuP tunman nmmitatfvl nart nf hprl muck trunKinff oi a citv Doucemui i The truck crashed through a yard and stopped in a field. The the trucker to drop his, weapon.

He obeyed. Truck driver Joe Fanoon, 27, southern hemisphere nations. who after the Ottawa inci- 'driver leaped from his cab and A Canadian commission listedjdent involving both Canadian andpointed his pistol at the officer. Senrei Kudrayavtzev. new ambas-' Soviet citizens-served in Rnnn (Another policeman, pistol drawn, 7.enko disclosed the existence of tv, I iiit apytanun.c vi Itiau described asi 'a smooth, personable, intelligent Berlin, Vienna, Moscow and Par is.

He speaks English, German, Spanish. and Italian, in addition jto Russian and dialects. Previous punaeni ior lass, ine soviet news 'agency; at other times with diplo- matic rank. Cuba is considered by experts on Communist activities here as i new focal point for Red espionage and propaganda work in this isphere. Mexico Gty and Monte-j video.

Uruguay, formerly were, considered chief points for such! i einie. One Official hprA iin i the fire, made the plea at a hear-' rehearing which is a necessary ing conducted by Dr. Arnold i Brockmole, city-county health di-ifP to case the rector. Also attending were re Supreme Court," commented resentatives of the firms which Green attorney Paul R. manufactured the prefabricated and the furnace.

He represented one of the two Fire officials earlier refused to Paf whu challenged the bonus, reopen their investigation after! ess the states highest court concluding the blaze started from fhangfs lts mwd mthin 30 days, a leaking oil line. favorable to the bonus Dietsch contended the fire didn't, becomes effective, start from the leaking fuel line a 4 to 3 decision, the court the floor, and showed pictures of held Thursday the Legislature sador to Prime Minister Fidel Castro's government, as one of 17 members of the former Ottawa embassy staff "who engaged in espionage activities." retarded, another for emotionally disturbed, highly intelligent children, and so forth." The council endorsed five new cooperative projects in the mental health field to be undertaken in 1960-61 by Southern states. One would be an effort to improve the teaching of psychiatry to undergraduate medical students and another would speed the exchange of mental health informa tion from one state tn another. I Others are regional meetings of research administrators, special training of nursing Instructors and meetings between mental health i son's left leg with a butcher knife Thursday after the leg was caught in a hay baler on the lamiiy larm jnve miles northeast of here. Cyrus Dyer, 43, was reported in satisfactory condition in a Prince- ton hospital, where doctors nnisn- amputating the leg above tne Marietta Dyer, 63, said her son pants leg became snagged, ReOime ReCOQniZed i LONDON (AP)-Britain Friday acknowledged the Laotian regime headed by Prince Souvanna Phou-i ma as the legal government of that Indochinese kingdom.

The jhas begun official dealings with uk- uic Jitn 4ViiuioJit uuuiui owuxa wi ITazewell. was dazed fromknee, staking too many pills to keep him U.S. officials made no secret he had served in Ankara and their interest in his appointment to' Berlin, sometimes as a corres-jsaid. awake, Police Chief Joe Kimseyjhad stopped the baler to rest and had put his foot on the shaft from Auto And Train Traffic NEW YORK (AP) A record rainfall for the date nearly' 3'i inches doused New York City Friday and snarled automobile traffic both in the city and suburbs. Commuter trains also were affected in some instances.

The storm began at 12:50 a.m. and by 1 p.m. had dumped 3.23 inches of water on the city. The previous record precipita tion for Aug. 19 was exactly three inches in 1939.

Suburban Westchester County to the north got an even greater de luge, measuring nearly inches in spots. Parkways ana streets flowed like rivers at times and low places became lakes. The prospect of a greater splat tering for the metropolitan area appeared in the offing with the approach of Hurricane Cleo. The Weather Bureau said it would hit eastern Long Island and southern New England around midnight. The bureau said Friday's storm in the city had no connection with Cleo.

Gospel Singing tonight at 8, Daviess Co. Hi, Oak Ridge Quartet. MANY OUTSTANDING INDUSTRIES UtiLJ 3-6636 I Appell sffi Court H35 Not Cleared Bonus FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) An bonus." The court upheld the proposal to pay a bonus to Kentucky veterans of four wars. "We will file a petition for a reMri" igiouuy io veier- or their beneficiaries who were Kentucky residents when the bonus was approved by public vote last fall.

The tribunal" also held bonds can be sold to pay for the bonus but must come from sales xanoon was naming oi.uw)," 'pounds of corn. The driver was charged with two cases of felonious assault, the furnace pit and surrounding nhw? warun Leon wtejto Cuban and other Owensboro, and Mary Agnes Owensboro, and Mary Agnes Identity of Kudrayavtzev and! a'carrying a pistol, shootirg inside it-u. the city, passing eight red lights, J. A. Vittitow Son i If J.

V. "Chubby" Vittitow I and reckless driving. the fire. FINALLY GETS PURSE TORONTO (AP) Miss Stella 221 St. Ann Phone MU aotivities but diplomatic circlesradio says 40,000 Communist Chi- REDS GRADUATED HONG KONG (AP) Peiping lilt ill iiiC iJClUJi say their importance as centerslnese youths were graduated fromjForeign Office announced that i nf fVumrtiiinicf oMnn Gregory of Nashville, got tax and not general expense funds, back her wallet containing $128 The bonus payments would pro-after it was lost on a train, found; vide a maximum $300 for domestic' by the conductor, stolen by a and $500 for foreign service.

youth and recovered by a railroad! policeman. 1 READ THE WANT ADS I INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS im'shed because of opposition year and already are work natinn in ho rw iu wuu a vZOBJM) a -v an ijaoiia wiicic uic uuuu guvcm- ment has announced increasingly close ties with both Moscow and Peiping, and has given free reign ter the defection of Igor Gouzenko, jcode clerk at the Ottawa embassy iwith a mass of documents con- Soviet spy rings in Cana-da. Ottawa, Kudravavtzpv left where was first ecretaly or the Soviet Embassy, before Gou 1 1 i Terrorist Draws Prison Sentence Affer Guilty Plea WILMINGTON, Ohio (AP) -Everett Cram, 32, who terrorized the countryside in Southern Ohio for 55 hours last February after breaking jail, was sentenced to prison Friday on charges that could mean twenty years imprisonment. Judge Luther Swaim pronounced sentence after Crum suddenly pleaded guilty to armed robbery, kidnaping to extort, jail breaking and automobile theft. It was just the beginning of court appearances for Crum, however.

He was scheduled to be rushed to Hillsboro and to West Union to plead to other charges. Charles Wilson, West Union at torney, brought about the sudden termination of the case in Wilmington when Crum pleaded guilty. Judge Swaim gave him 10-25 years for armed robbery; not less than 20 years for kidnaping to extort; 1-5 years for jail breaking, and 1-20 years for automobile theft. The sentences were ordered to be served concurrently. In Highland County sentence was given on 15 counts, ranging from assault with a deadly weapon, shooting to kill or wound, auto theft, and breaking and entering.

In Adams County, Crum calmly pleaded guilty there to kidnaping to extort, carry ine concealed weapons, and operating a vehicle without the owner's consent. As in Wilmington, Crum got not less than 20 years in West Union on the kidnaping charge. He probably will be taken to state penitentiary in Columbus next Monday. Signal Picked Up FT. MONMOUTH, N.

J. (AP)-A signal from the Soviet "spact ship" carrying experimental an! mals was picked up Friday by the astro-observation center of the u. 5. Army Signal Corps. A spokesman for the center said a "steady whine" was heard irom a.

m. to 11:30 a. m. The signal was picked up on a frequency of 19.905 megacycles. The signal was similar to the ones picked up from Soviet Sput-Bikt, tbt spokesman said.

Providing Natural Gas Service to more than 75,000 customers in 61 cities and towns. 3. Uarlc, 18, of Route 2. Whites- viile. Petition In Bankruptcy Charles William Ransom Henderson filed a petition bankruptcy in the office of the tie urns nis jiaomces at rtrt i a cc ie a Kun uta JJV ui Pl O'XiV claims exemptions.

Circuit Court Suit The Household Finance filed suit in the Daviess Circuit Court against Eula M. Maglinger, seeking to collect $608.01, claimed balance due on note. County Court Orders Olive Bopp was appointed administratrix of the estate of Frederick Kernon Bopp, and qualified by giving $1,000 bond with lida Ann Lashbrook as surety. Appraisers are Richard Gatewood, W. R.

Doyal, W. H. Fister. The will of Mrs. Elizabeth Lanier was probated before County Judge T.

B. Birkhead and the handwriting and signature proved by Everett Starks and Lucille MUton as beint that of the testatrix. Janie Lanie Keller was appointed administratrix to serve without bond. Real Estate Transfers Harold J. Cornelius and wife, to Oscar Royalty and wife, house and lot on west side of George Street, in Pedlry'i West End addition.

Lucile Aimin, to Thelma I. Shank, for $12,000, more or less, two lots with improvements in Griffith Avenue addition. Henry P. Tompkins and wife, to Thomas A. Rowe and wife, house and lot in Unit 4 of Shawnee Park addition.

William S. Maufield and wife, to Walter Rohrer and wife, lot of ground with Improvements on east side of Hale Road. Ophelia Beaven Howard and others, to James H. Thompson, two lots, in the West Louisville section. Scottish Homes, to Charles R.

Karns and wife, lot in Unit 8-A of the Scottish Homes subdivision. David F. O'Connor and wife, of San Francisco, to Joseph J. Blandford and wife, house and lot in Unit 9 of Shawnee Park addition. FREE FREE LUBRICATION With Each 10 Gals, of Gas PAYNE'S STANDARD SERVICE 1817 E.

4th General Office in Owensboro 0 1 Western Kentucky Gas Company noW provides naturol gas service to more thar 75,000 customers in 6 cities and tovyns throughout Western Kentucky. U-. -xtJ TEHRITOHY SERVtO BY WESTERN KENTUCKY OAS COMPANY Gam! 0c OunnubotTO, Kntcky I Hill" II I I i I Illii n.n in. i ,1,1,11.. i .1.

nln i It's a Great Kentucky Area served by WESTERN KEN TUCK PA COM day of the at your service every hour of every A.

Messenger-Inquirer from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)


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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

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Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.