My 9,o,l, and . keys do not work anymore. (2024)

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My 9,o,l, and . keys do not work anymore.


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My 9,o,l, and . keys do not work anymore. (3)


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My 9,o,l, and . keys do not work anymore. (4)

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My 9,o,l, and . keys do not work anymore. (5)

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My 9,o,l, and . keys do not work anymore. (6)


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‎09-22-201908:29 AM

My 9,o,l, and . keys do not work anymore. (7) HP Recommended

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Product: HP Pavilion x360

Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)

My 9,o,l,. key do not work. This happened a few months ago and i still havent found a solution for it!

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  • hp pavilion x360
  • Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)

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My 9,o,l, and . keys do not work anymore. (8)

My 9,o,l, and . keys do not work anymore. (9)sandytechy20

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‎09-24-201903:54 PM

My 9,o,l, and . keys do not work anymore. (10) HP Recommended

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Welcome to HP support community.

Did you drop liquid or have any accidents with the keyboard?

Did you check with an alternate user account or an external keyboard to check if all the keys on that work?

I recommend the below steps:

Clean the keyboard with compressed air (blow compressed air in the gaps between keys). This removes some lint and dust. 

Shut down the laptop, remove the battery and cable for a moment, press and hold the start button for 60 seconds

Replace the battery, restart the notebook,

if the issue persists, change the keyboard layout and check if it works: Click here for steps.

Also, run a hardware test to identify any issues with the keyboard: Click here for details (Interactive test) under component tests - keyboard.

I hope that helps.

To thank me for my efforts to help you,please mark my post as an accepted solution so that it benefits several others.


I am an HP Employee

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My 9,o,l, and . keys do not work anymore. (11)

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† The opinions expressed above are the personal opinions of the authors, not of HP. By using this site, you accept the Terms of Use and Rules of Participation.

My 9,o,l, and . keys do not work anymore. (12)

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    My 9,o,l, and . keys do not work anymore. (14)

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    • My 9,o,l, and . keys do not work anymore. (2024)


      How to fix unresponsive keyboard keys? ›

      How do I fix my keyboard not typing?
      1. Set up the on-screen keyboard. ...
      2. Restart your device. ...
      3. Turn off power saving. ...
      4. Clean your keyboard. ...
      5. Turn off filter and sticky keys. ...
      6. Update drivers. ...
      7. Disable fast start-up (Windows 10 only)
      Apr 12, 2024

      How do I reset my keyboard functionality? ›

      Quickly and Easily Reset a Keyboard to Factory Settings

      You can reset many keyboards using the ESC key. Unplug or turn off your keyboard, then press ESC while you reconnect it to your computer. Keep holding the ESC key until the keyboard begins to flash, then disconnect the keyboard and reconnect it again.

      How to fix keyboard not typing letters? ›

      9 Ways to Fix the Problem
      1. Make sure you have the correct text field selected. ...
      2. Close and reopen the app you're trying to type in. ...
      3. Turn on the keyboard if it has an on/off switch. ...
      4. Check the keyboard's connection to your computer. ...
      5. Restart your computer. ...
      6. Clean the keyboard. ...
      7. Open Device Manager and enable the keyboard.
      Aug 2, 2024

      How do I fix my function keys not working? ›

      Restart the “HidServ” Service: The Human Interface Device Service (HidServ) is essential for the operation of function keys. Restarting this service can sometimes resolve issues. To do this, open Task Manager, go to the “Services” tab, find “HidServ”, right-click on it, and select "Restart".

      How do I unfreeze my keyboard keys? ›

      The first key to try is the 'FN' key, which is typically located at the bottom left of the keyboard. While pressing down this key, try pressing 'Scroll Lock', 'Num Lock', or any other key on your keyboard - this should reset the lock allowing you to use your device again.

      Why isn t my key responding? ›

      This usually happens because of low batteries, but shock can also cause the fob to lose its pairing. Most remotes can be reset, so check your car's user manual for the resetting sequence. If resetting fails to solve the problem, the fob will need to be reprogrammed.

      How do I put my keyboard back to normal? ›

      Resetting Your Keyboard to Default
      1. Click the Windows logo key + R simultaneously, and type “devmgmt. ...
      2. Click “Keyboards” and select the one that needs to be reset.
      3. Uninstall the device by hitting the red X at the top.
      4. Choose the “Scan for hardware changes” button.
      Dec 1, 2022

      What is the reset button in a computer keyboard? ›

      What does the reset button on my electronic device do? The reset button is a hardware or software mechanism that allows you to restore a device or system to its original state or restart it in case of malfunction or freeze. By pressing the reset button, you can initiate the process of resetting the device.

      How do I restore my keyboard function keys? ›

      F1-F12 keys may not work if your laptop has the Fn key enabled by default. Press the Fn and the desired F1-F12 keys to use their primary functions. Check if you can disable the default Fn key behavior in your laptop's settings.

      How to check keyboard keys working or not? ›

      1 Press the keys on the physical keyboard and check if the keys you pressed are lit up on the virtual keyboard. 2 Click the “reset” arrow to remove existing content and test keyboard keys again to confirm they work properly. 4 If the online keyboard tester display responds immediately every time you press.

      Why is my keyboard typing a1 s2 d3 f4 j7 k8 l9? ›

      You may check on the keyboard if the Fn key (Function Key) is enabled. If it is enabled, try to toggle the Fn key to disable it. Method 2: If 'Method 1' doesn't help, you may download and install the latest keyboard software from the device manufacturer website.

      Why is my keyboard not typing correct keys? ›

      Press "NumLock" or press "FN" + "NumLock" keys to make sure that it is disabled. Try typing again to see if your keys are fixed. If this doesn't fix your problem, you may have the wrong language selected. Switch between your active keyboard layouts.

      How to fix keyboard keys not working? ›

      How Do I Fix My Laptop Keyboard?
      1. Reboot Your PC. Have you tried turning your computer off and on again? ...
      2. Narrow Down the Issue. BIOS menu (Credit: Whitson Gordon / MSI) ...
      3. Reinstall Your Keyboard Driver. ...
      4. Adjust Your Keyboard Settings. ...
      5. Change Your Keyboard Layout. ...
      6. Go Viral. ...
      7. Check for Crumbs. ...
      8. Remove the Battery (If You Can)
      Dec 18, 2023

      How to reset a keyboard? ›

      Reset your wired keyboard

      Unplug the keyboard. With the keyboard unplugged, hold down the ESC key. While holding down the ESC key, plug the keyboard back into the computer.

      How do I reactivate my function keys? ›

      Hold the "Fn" key while pressing a function key to get it to work. If your keyboard has an "F Lock" key, press it to enable your function keys. If your function keys don't work no matter what you try, you may need to enable them in your BIOS/UEFI.

      Can you accidentally lock your keyboard? ›

      Any number of problems can cause your keyboard to lock or freeze up. You may have inadvertently pressed a key combination that makes your keyboard act a little differently, or your keyboard may not be properly connected to your system.

      How do I fix unresponsive keycap? ›

      Often, unresponsive keys are the result of accumulated dust, grime, or debris beneath the keycap. Begin by powering off your computer and gently removing the affected keycap using a keycap puller or a small screwdriver. Using a can of compressed air or a soft brush, clean the keycap and the exposed switch.

      How do you fix a frozen keyboard? ›

      Why do laptop keyboards sometimes become frozen?
      1. Hard Shutdown. A hard shutdown simply powers off the laptop completely so you can restart without any residual power or memory issues. ...
      2. Scan for Malware. ...
      3. Update Windows. ...
      4. Temporarily use the Onscreen Keyboard. ...
      5. Update Drivers. ...
      6. Use Fortect. ...
      7. Use SFC and DISM. ...
      8. Use System Restore.

      Is there a keyboard lock button? ›

      To lock your keyboard, press Ctrl+Alt+L. The Keyboard Locker icon changes to indicate that the keyboard is locked. If you're unfamiliar with the keyboard locking/unlocking process on Windows and Mac, don't worry - it's actually quite simple.


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      Author: Terrell Hackett

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      Views: 6372

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      Author information

      Name: Terrell Hackett

      Birthday: 1992-03-17

      Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

      Phone: +21811810803470

      Job: Chief Representative

      Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

      Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.