Nigel Slater’s sweet and savoury recipes for pomegranate molasses (2024)

The third shelf in the kitchen cupboard is home to a collection of bottles and jars, seasonings and syrups, preserves and condiments. Some – the Marmite and the peanut butter – get what is pretty much a daily outing. Others see the light of day less often, but are no less essential in the right recipe. Among the chilli vinegars and mushroom ketchups, the smoke-scented salts and soy sauces, there is a bottle of dark, red-brown pomegranate molasses. This is the syrup I turn to when I want to introduce a subtle, mellow sourness, which nowadays is quite often.

Today, this sticky brown syrup – the best being made with as few ingredients as possible – is for deepening the interest of a crunchy peanut crust I am spreading on to roasted pumpkin. I have previously used honey to balance the heat of the chillies and pungency of the garlic, but this is better, having not only sweetness but deep, fruity, almost wine-like notes, too. Pomegranate molasses is just as well suited to savoury dishes as sweet. I use it by the teaspoon, tasting as I go, except when I’m making a marinade for pork ribs when I use it by the bottle, along with honey or the darker, slightly more monotone notes of date syrup.

While I have the bottle out, I shall include a little of this thick, tart syrup into the dressing for a salad of fresh pomegranates and blood oranges, which should be particularly welcome under a grey January sky. Briefly, it feels as if the sun was shining again. And heaven knows, we all need some of that.

Roast pumpkin with peanuts and chillies

You can use butternut squash for this, or a crown prince pumpkin or onion squash. The drier the pumpkin the longer it will take to roast to tenderness – the blue-skinned crown prince being a case in point. Slice those very hard squashes into thinner pieces before roasting. I sometimes find it useful to turn the heat up to 220C/gas mark 7 after spreading the peanut paste on the squash, to get a nicely crunchy crust. Serves 4

pumpkin or squash 800g
smoked garlic 5 large cloves
olive oil 5 tbsp

For the dressing:
peanuts 100g
cherry tomatoes 150g
parsley 20g
red chilli 1 large
pomegranate molasses 2 tbsp
olive oil 2 tbsp

Set the oven at 200C/gas mark 4. Halve the pumpkin, scoop out and discard the seeds and fibres, then cut each half into thick slices. You can leave the skin on – I find it holds the pieces together. Put them skin side down in a roasting tin, add the smoked garlic cloves, still in their skins, season with a little salt and pour over the olive oil.

Bake the pumpkin for 30-40 minutes until soft to the point of a knife.

Make the dressing: toast the peanuts in a dry pan over a moderate heat until the skins darken, shaking the pan regularly to encourage even browning. Tip the nuts into a clean tea towel and rub firmly until the skin flakes off. Return the skinned peanuts to the pan and let them cook over a moderate heat, shaking regularly until they are golden and fragrant. Remove from the heat and set aside.

Remove the garlic from the oven and squeeze the flesh into a food processor or blender, discarding the skins. Add the cherry tomatoes, toasted peanuts, parsley, chilli and the pomegranate molasses, season lightly with salt and process to a nutty paste.

Warm the oil in a frying pan, add the peanut paste and bring to the boil. Continue cooking for 5-10 minutes, stirring frequently, until the mixture has turned a dark terracotta colour and is deeply, nuttily fragrant. Remove from the heat.

Remove the pumpkin from the oven, spread some of the paste over each piece and return it to the oven for a further 20 minutes until the nuts are starting to crisp a little. Serve immediately.

Blood orange, pomegranate and orange blossom

Nigel Slater’s sweet and savoury recipes for pomegranate molasses (1)

As cheerful as this mixture of fruit and flower syrup was for dessert, it was even more so the following day when it came to the table as a winter breakfast. I served it with a bowl of thick yoghurt, but it would have been equally welcome spooned over granola. Serves 4

blood oranges 7
pomegranate 1, large
pomegranate molasses to taste
orange blossom water to taste
mint leaves 12

Using a very sharp knife, remove the peel and any white pith from 6 of the blood oranges. Slice each fruit into about 10 thin slices and put them in a bowl, trying to catch as much of the juice as you can. Halve the remaining orange and squeeze into a small bowl.

Halve the pomegranate, remove the seeds from one half, then add them to the oranges. Squeeze the juice from the other half – I use a lemon squeezer for this – then pour it into the orange juice. Introduce the pomegranate molasses, a teaspoon at a time, tasting as you go. I find 4 tsp about right, but stop when you have a sour-sweet juice that is to your liking. Stir in a little orange blossom water, drop by drop and tasting as you go. (A few drops is really all you need.)

Add the mint leaves, leaving them whole but lightly crushing them as you add them, then pour the dressing over the orange slices, cover with a plate and refrigerate for at least an hour.

Serve chilled in wine glasses or small glass bowls.

Follow Nigel on Twitter @NigelSlater

Nigel Slater’s sweet and savoury recipes for pomegranate molasses (2024)


What should pomegranate molasses taste like? ›

Pomegranate molasses is syrupy and rich, but even versions with added sugar are not very sweet. Instead it's tangy and a little musky with a depth of flavor that I usually associate with wine or concentrated meat drippings. This makes it invaluable anywhere you want to add a little depth or complexity.

What is the difference between pomegranate molasses and pomegranate syrup? ›

Pomegranate Syrup. Pomegranate molasses and pomegranate syrup are two different names for the same thing and are used interchangeably. Calling it pomegranate syrup is just as misleading as pomegranate molasses because it is not sweet like syrup, which has a higher sugar content.

What can I use pomegranate molasses for? ›

7 Ways to Use Pomegranate Molasses
  1. Salad dressings. I love to add pomegranate molasses to salads for a lovely tart sweetness. ...
  2. As a marinade. I love pomegranate molasses as a marinade for chicken, and you can also use it with fish, beef, duck or as a glaze for pork.
  3. To flavour grains. ...
  4. Dips. ...
  5. Roasted vegetables. ...
  6. Desserts. ...
  7. Drink.
Jul 7, 2020

Is pomegranate molasses sweet or sour? ›

It's a common ingredient in Middle Eastern cooking and can also sometimes be called pomegranate syrup. Despite it having “molasses” in its name, it's more sour than sweet.

Should I refrigerate pomegranate molasses? ›

Opened bottles can be refrigerated for long periods, but it's not likely to sit around for long. You don't need to love Middle Eastern food to love what pomegranate molasses can do for the foods you already love.

Does pomegranate molasses tenderize meat? ›

The pomegranate molasses is both sweet and sour, and the acid in it will tenderize the meat. When ready to cook, take the meat out of the fridge, and season it with salt and black pepper.

How long does pomegranate molasses last once opened? ›

Pomegranate molasses can be stored in a cool dark place and consumed within 12 months of opening.

What do Middle Easterners use pomegranate molasses for? ›

Marinate meat and fish with it, jazz up salad dressings, caramelise veggies, drizzle on top of sorbet, stir into iced, fizzy water – it really is the Swiss Army knife of ingredients. The flavour profile of this dark, ruby red syrup adds a depth and fragrance to dishes that Middle Eastern food is so synonymous for.

How long does homemade pomegranate molasses last? ›

So, to use, pour it out of the jar or bottle rather than putting in a spoon, and always keep refrigerated. Stored in an airtight bottle or container, the molasses can be refrigerated for up to 1 year.

What medications do pomegranates interfere with? ›

Possible Interactions
  • ACE inhibitors. These types of drugs are used to control high blood pressure and to treat heart failure and prevent kidney damage in people with diabetes. ...
  • Blood pressure medication. Pomegranate juice may lower blood pressure. ...
  • Statin, medications used to lower cholesterols. ...
  • Warfarin (Coumadin).

Can I use pomegranate molasses for co*cktails? ›

Pomegranate molasses is a gem of an ingredient that often gets overlooked. This sweet and tart syrup adds the perfect pop of flavor to co*cktails—especially whiskey-based ones. Since the molasses packs a tart punch, a hint of orange juice brings a bit of sweet acidity to balance it out.

What pairs well with molasses? ›

Molasses is also good in breads (Boston brown bread, cornbread), muffins (bran in particular), and in a glaze for hearty vegetables, like carrots or squash. In savory uses, it's often paired (deliciously) with spicy mustard.

Is pomegranate molasses bad for GERD? ›

Among several Lebanese traditional dishes, only labneh with garlic (OR, 3.71; 95% CI, 1.72-8.03) and pomegranate molasses (OR, 2.86; 95% CI, 1.39-5.86) were associated with GERD symptoms aggravation.

Is pomegranate molasses good for weight loss? ›

Pomegranate juice and molasses led to significant decreases in the weights (only 3% (PJ) and 1% (PM) weight accumulation, respectively instead of 20% for the control group after 8 weeks) also in the triglyceride and lipid peroxidase tissue levels in the heart, liver and lungs of the mice in the active intervention ...

Is grenadine and pomegranate molasses the same thing? ›

Real grenadine is not “pomegranate syrup”, but it is made with pomegranates. Pomegranate syrup is only pomegranate juice and sugar. Grenadine has the addition of pomegranate molasses and orange blossom water (or Rose Water). This gives the syrup a deep, fruity flavor.

Should pomegranate taste sour? ›

The pomegranate not only looks delicious from the outside, the small red seeds inside impress with their sweet to sour taste.

What should molasses taste like? ›

The flavor of molasses reminds many of gingerbread cookies, and that's because molasses gives gingerbread its characteristic color and flavor. If you tasted it off a spoon, though, you'd detect sweet burnt caramel notes, a hint of smoke and a prune-like aftertaste.

What does a good pomegranate taste like? ›

Flavor: With an unusual fruit like pomegranate, it's safe to wonder, what does pomegranate taste like? Pomegranate arils taste a lot like cranberries—fairly tart with a bit of sweetness underneath.

What are pomegranates supposed to taste like? ›

Pomegranate is a fruit that is sweet and tart with a thick skin. The part of this fruit that you eat is the seeds since they contain juicy flavors.


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