15 best vegan jackfruit recipes to make with canned jackfruit (2024)

Here are the best vegan jackfruit recipes to can make with canned jackfruit to help you make the most of this versatile fruit

If you’re looking for vegan jackfruit recipe ideas or vegan dinner recipes, you’ve come to the right place.

Jackfruit has become the go-to ingredient for compassionate cooks thanks to its versatile nature which means it can be transformed to replace meat in a wide range of plant-based dishes from fishless pies to pulled ‘pork’ burgers.

Most people don’t really think beyond pulled jackfruit when it comes to making jackfruit recipes, but there are so many different things you can do with it and so many creative vegan recipes to try. And the handy thing is, tinned jackfruit can be kept in the cupboard for emergencies, so it’s a real store cupboard staple.

If you’re wondering just what is jackfruit then don’t miss our guide on how to cook it.

How do you use canned jackfruit?

Those of us in the UK are unlikely to have to prepare a fresh jackfruit as it is becoming increasingly common to find tins or vacuum packs of pre-prepared, unripe jackfruit in stores.

If you’re making a savoury dish, try to find unripe jackfruit that has been canned in brine rather than syrup as the fruit will soak up the sugar from the syrup and make your savoury dishes too sweet.

Firstly, you will need to rinse the fruit well before placing it into a tea towel. Wrap the jackfruit up tightly and squeeze to remove as much excess liquid as possible. This will allow the jackfruit to take on more flavour when marinated and helps give it an even meatier texture.

Once you’ve squeezed the jackfruit, remove the hard core at the centre of each bulb. You may also find some seeds remaining in the bulbs so make sure you remove these too.

Next, place the jackfruit into a large bowl and shred the using forks to break apart the bulbs to give it a shredded texture similar to pulled pork.

How do you make jackfruit taste good?

Jackfruit does not have a strong flavour so takes on the flavours of whatever marinade you marinade or cook it with.

To ensure your jackfruit is bursting with flavour, ideally you will leave it soaking in your favourite marinade overnight. However, if you’re short on time thenmarinate it in sauce for a minimum of 15 minutes.

The longer you leave your jackfruit to marinate, the tastier it will be. Now you’ve got to grips with jackfruit, here are some delicious vegan jackfruit recipes you can make with canned jackfruit.

1. Vegan Jackfruit Duck Pancakes

This classic Chinese dish gets a vegan makeover using jackfruit to mimic the texture of duck in these vegan jackfruit duck pancakes. Serve with pancakes, cucumber, spring onion and lashings of Hoisin sauce for an authentic homemade takeaway dinner.

15 best vegan jackfruit recipes to make with canned jackfruit (1)

2. Vegan Smoky BBQ Jackfruit Ribs

Sweet, sticky and smokey, these vegan ribs are made using a clever combination of seitan and jackfruit.

They’re surprisingly realistic and you’ll be licking your fingers to get another taste.

15 best vegan jackfruit recipes to make with canned jackfruit (2)

Want more vegan recipes?Try 3 issuesof Vegan Food & Living magazinefor just £3!

3. Vegan Jackfruit ‘Crab Cakes’ with Tartare Sauce

Is there anything jackfruit can’t transform into? We say no! Here it is again, this time it’s masquerading as crab in these yummy crab-free cakes in this enticing jackfruit recipe.

15 best vegan jackfruit recipes to make with canned jackfruit (3)

4. Vegan Teriyaki Jackfruit

Many jackfruit recipes featured pulled jackfruit, but here we’ve kept it in chunks so it can soak up all the delicious teriyaki sauce.

The combination of the sweet teriyaki glaze paired with the savoury fruit is a real treat. Serve it with sticky rice and fresh veggies for an easy and healthy vegan dinner.

15 best vegan jackfruit recipes to make with canned jackfruit (4)

5. Quick Vegan Pulled BBQ Jackfruit Burger

You’ve probably heard all about the delights of pulled jackfruit, so now is your chance to try it for yourself with this easy vegan pulled BBQ jackfruit burger.

The sweetness of the jackfruit and BBQ sauce are a winning combination paired with the tangy vegan coleslaw.

15 best vegan jackfruit recipes to make with canned jackfruit (5)

6. Vegan Curried Jackfruit Tacos with Coriander Mint Chutney

These meat-free tacos draw inspiration from Mexican and Indian cuisine with their refreshing blend of hot and herby flavours. Pairing spicy jackfruit with a cooling chutney, this delicious fusion jackfruit recipe is a must-make.

15 best vegan jackfruit recipes to make with canned jackfruit (6)

7. Vegan Fish Pie

This ocean-friendly vegan fish pie recipe has all flavour and texture of a traditional fish pie. We’ve swapped fish for jackfruit to provide a similar flaky texture, while nori adds a fishy flavour. This a great easy jackfruit recipe when the weather gets cold.

15 best vegan jackfruit recipes to make with canned jackfruit (7)

8. Vegan Jackfruit Tuna Mayo

Although it’s often used to replace pulled pork, jackfruit can also transform into tuna with a little seasoning. If you need an easy and healthy dinner, give this vegan jackfruit tuna mayo recipe a try.

15 best vegan jackfruit recipes to make with canned jackfruit (8)


Pulled jackfruit isn’t just great for vegan burgers, it makes a wicked tasty vegan sandwich filling too. Pair it with creamy vegan coleslaw for a tasty vegan lunch you’ll look forward to all morning.

15 best vegan jackfruit recipes to make with canned jackfruit (9)

10. Jackfruit Vegan “Tuna” and Sweetcorn Pasta Salad

Recreate the delights of a tuna pasta salad by harnessing the power of jackfruit in this tasty vegan lunch recipe. It’s got all the elements of the classic salad, including crunchy sweetcorn, red onion and a dollop of homemade mayo that makes for an irresistible vegan tuna pasta salad.

15 best vegan jackfruit recipes to make with canned jackfruit (10)

11. Vegan Korean Fried Jackfruit

This vegan Korean fried jackfruit is tossed in a sticky, spicy, sweet and sour Korean-style sauce made with gochujang, a fermented red chilli paste.

15 best vegan jackfruit recipes to make with canned jackfruit (11)

12. Vegan One-Pot Curry with Jackfruit

This jackfruit curry is flavoured with a medley of health-boosting spices to pack it with flavour and nutrients. Plus, it’s great to make when you’re short on time as it’s ready in just 40 minutes!

15 best vegan jackfruit recipes to make with canned jackfruit (12)


If you’re hosting a dinner party and looking to impress then this delectable jackfruit recipe is sure to get the party started. Featuring paprika jackfruit stack atop a bed of crushed winter vegetables, it wouldn’t look out of place at a gourmet restaurant!

15 best vegan jackfruit recipes to make with canned jackfruit (13)

14. Vegan Jackfruit BBQ Beans in a Sweet Potato Jacket with Slaw

The sweetness of the sweet potato is the perfect pairing for the tangy BBQ beans and creamy slaw in this super healthy vegan dinner. It’s a great way to use canned jackfruit as you can make the bean mixture and slaw the day before if you need to prep ahead for the next day.

15 best vegan jackfruit recipes to make with canned jackfruit (14)

15. Vegan Jackfruit Christmas Dinner

Keep turkeys off your plate this Christmas and opt for deliciously seasoned jackfruit for your Christmas dinner instead. Not only is it cruelty-free, but it also more flavoursome and has a more appealing texture than turkey so will be a hit with vegans and meat-eaters alike!

15 best vegan jackfruit recipes to make with canned jackfruit (15)

Feeling inspired by these vegan jackfruit recipes to try some new ways of replacing meat in your meals?

Try these tasty vegan seitan recipes.

15 best vegan jackfruit recipes to make with canned jackfruit (2024)


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